How to Deal with Separation Anxiety in Small Breeds Like Pomeranians

Like many small dog breeds, Pomeranians have a big attachment to their people. And that bond, though charming, can give rise to separation anxiety, which is a disorder when a dog gets anxious if left alone. Worry if your Pomeranian suffers from separation anxiety very much. There is a solution to it. Your pet will be able to control their emotions and cope with the fact that they are not with you. Nine tips address separation anxiety in Pomeranians.

  1. Understand the Signs of Separation Anxiety

Various forms of separation anxiety are presented, and it is important to spot the signs in question as soon as possible. Among common symptoms are the following: barking and whining when left alone excessively, destructive chewing of furniture or door frames, pacing, and accidents inside, even when the dog is housebroken. There are also bitches that frequently show depression signs, whereby they lack interest in playing with toys or food.

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  1. Create a Calm Departure Routine

Pomeranians are quick to pick up cues when they are about to leave, and this may induce anxiety in them. To curtail this, ensure your leaving time is always quiet and low-key. Do not make a lot of noise or make a fuss about your dog just before marking it and returning home. Instead, pretend its business as usual every time you come or go since it is a routine and does not need a lot of excitement.

  1. Gradually Increase Alone Time

One of them is slowly increasing the hours of separation for the Pomeranian pet over time, which proves helpful for separation anxiety. It would help to start with several minutes of leaving your puppy out while you get busy outside. Then, progressively increase the time. Coupling absences for too long with positive experiences such as giving them a nice toy or delicious treat will help them start wanting to be cared for even at date time as they will associate leaving with good things.

  1. Provide Plenty of Mental and Physical Stimulation

The Pomeranian is an active and intelligent dog breed that requires dedicated time and space for mental and physical activities. A tired dog is less inclined to display anxious behaviour, so make sure that the Pomeranian is exercised plenty before going out of the house. Also, suggest entertaining activities like providing puzzle/treat-dispensing toys to be used in your absence. These measures will help reduce restlessness and stressful situations.

  1. Create a Safe and Comfortable Space

Separation anxiety dogs also need a ‘safe’ zone where they are certain their safety needs will be met. This can be a crate, an area with a comfortable bed away from the activity, or a particular room where the dog can be left alone without disturbance. Be sure that it is quite comfortable and contains some of their stuff, like a blanket or some of their toys. This area will also help tackle their fears when left alone.

  1. Practice Desensitization Techniques

Desensitization is a rehabilitation plan in which a person gradually introduces a Pomeranian to its anxiety-provoking stimuli in a comfortable way. For instance, if your dog gets anxious at the sight of you taking your keys, pretend to put them in your bag several times a day, but do not take a walk. After a while, your dog will get used to these triggers and understand that you do not have to leave every time these triggers are present.

  1. Use Calming Aids and Tools

Doctors and veterinarians have recognized several tools to help sequestered pets and mitigate their distress response. Calming aids like collars, pheromone sprays, or anxiety wraps like the Thunder shirt can help make your Pomeranian more comfortable. Moreover, soothing or white noise might help alleviate the stress of your dog that is left alone for an extended period.

  1. Consider Professional Training or Behavior Therapy

Consider Professional Training or Behavior Therapy If your Pomeranian’s separation anxiety is severe and it is not possible to improve the situation with at-home strategies, it may be time to consider professional assistance. This is why hiring a professional dog trainer/animal behaviorist may be the solution. In certain circumstances, a veterinarian can prescribe anti-anxiety drugs, but this should be avoided whenever possible. A licensed professional must always make such prescriptions.

  1. Avoid Punishing Your Dog

Even so, whenever your Pomeranian suffering from anxiety is left alone with no one around them, it should not be viewed as simply an undesirable behavior and must be dealt with. Therefore, punishing them for damages they cause out of anxiety or accidents dear to them will simply worsen the situation. It is far better to think of it in terms of reward and build up the dog for being calm with them.


Working with small breeds like the Pomeranian who suffer from separation anxiety can be quite involving and requires much patience and resilience. If certain forms of anxiety are identified, such as the one described in this paper, their underlying cause should be addressed with appropriate measures. These include changing a dog’s isolation perception by gradually allowing the owner to leave and return, establishing departure routines that encourage personal security, and regular exercise. This way, when left alone, your Pomeranian will shake off that comfortable, warm feeling of security more easily as he learns that his ‘pack’ will return. Given some time, your dog will learn to handle that dependence on you and will be all right with your absence, making the two of you live a more pleasant and less stressful life.


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